Tuesday 10 July 2012

Interview Experience (20) :Gopal Sonkar

I am fortunate to share in the group my 3rd interview experience, organized by Bank of Maharashtra held at Mumbai on July 09, 2012.

Documents verified at 11.00AM
They needed character certificate signed separately by any two reputed person such as Doctors, Lawyers, Principals etc.

Interview started at 12.30PM

There were 3 gentlemen in the panel.

Greeted everyone separately.

M2: You have done your Bachelors of Commerce?
Myself: Yes Sir.

M2: (paused for a while then asked) are you working somewhere?
Myself: Yes Sir. Working at SITPL as an Accounts Executive.

M2: That's great. That is a reputed TV Channel. Nirmal Baba is still coming over it?
Myself: Yes sir. He used to... but now I think has stopped. (everyone smiled)

M2: What is Current Ratio?
Myself: Sir it's a ratio of Current Assets to the Current Liabilities. Current Assets upon Current Liabilities.

M2: What should be the ideal ratio?
Myself: Sir, should not exceed 1. Means Current Liabilities should not exceed the Current Assets.

M2: What does it mean if a company's Current Liability is more than it's Current Assets?
Myself: Sir, it means company's liquidity position is not good. It's not stable.

M2: Which is the most liquid assets?
Myself: Cash

M1: Tell me about your family background?
Myself: Answered.

M1: If we have transferred you somewhere with whom your father will stay?
Myself: I will take him along with me.

M2: What is your current salary?
Myself: Answered.

M2: When you are working for a reputed TV channel why do you wish to change your job?
Myself: Sir, it's a private limited company and BOM is a nationalized public sector bank. Bank provides lots of growth opportunities not only to the freshers but also to the experiences people.

M2: That media firm also provides many growth opportunity.
Myself: Sir, but still there are differences in various aspects of both the 2 entities.

M2: Do you know what is KYC?
Myself: Yes sir. It's Know Your Customer... a guidelines set by RBI to know the persons who are maintaining a bank a/c with bank. In this while an opening an a/c with bank, bank asks for address proof, photo identity proof as well as a reference from a present customer of the bank who is operating his account since 3-5 years.

M2: You have salary a/c in which bank
Myself: HDFC Bank

M2: Apart from this do you have any other bank account?
Myself: Sir, I also have an A/c with Bank of Baroda.

M2: If you have visited the branches... what are the differences have you observed?
Myself: Sir, in terms of amenities, both are almost same.

M2: Anything else?
Myself: Sir, I have observed that BOB is having more customers than HDFC. Whenever I go to HDFC Bank there is no que to be maintained. Means they have few customers with them. Whenever I visit the BOB I see that there is a huge line for transactions to be made. They maintain it through token system.

M2: What is the reason that BOB has more customers comparing with HDFC?
Myself: Sir, HDFC is a private sector bank in which an individual has to maintain a minimum balance of Rs. 10000 which is not affordable for common people. They charge Rs. 350 against every cheque dishonor. They charges almost Rs. 750 for not maintaining a minimum balance. Plus the also charges transaction charges against penalty.

M2: Is it? That's very high amount. Even I was not aware of that.
Myself: Yes sir.

M2: Do you know what are the benefits offered by Banks which is not offered by companies?
Myself: Sir, DA, HRA, PF, Medical these are the common things which I know.

M2: Anything else apart from this?
Myself: Sorry Sir.

M2: Do you know that bank offers 1% more interest to employees on the deposits?
Myself: Sorry Sir, was not aware of this.

M2: And bank offers loan to its employees at concessional rate of interest.
Myself: Yes Sir. I have heard it somewhere.

M2: What is Base Rate.
Myself: Sir, base rate is a rate below which a bank is not in a position to lend money. In case of BOM it' presently 10.50%

M2: What is Prime Lending Rate?
Myself: Sir, it's the rate of interest for prime customers. A bank can lend money to customers at prime rate who are creditworthy in the views of bank. It has been replaced by base rate.

M2: Who determines the PLR?
Myself: Not sure sir. But may be Banks themselves.

M2: What is money laundering? Have you ever heard about it?
Myself: Yes Sir. It's an activity by a person for tax evasion. They disclose their entire income in the books of a/cs for the purpose of saving tax. That's evasion for tax.

M3: What are the measures RBI has taken to control recent inflation?
Myself: Sir, CRR, SLR are the mains. But that has remain constant for since some period ago. They try to adjust it through increase in Repo and Reverse-repo rate. Apart from this there have been some fiscal policies which have been announce by govt.

They confirmed each other if any one has questions for me. Then allowed me to leave.

I said thank you to everyone separately and said 'have a nice day'. :)

Suggestions are always welcome.

Thank you!

Gopal Sonkar

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