Thursday 23 February 2012


Directions (Qs. 1 to 10) : In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against
each, five words are suggested, one of which fills the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
Fourteen centuries ago when the world was much younger, the ruler of all India, Rajah Balhait, was ??..(151) about his people. A new game of dice, called
hard, had ???(152) the imagination of his subjects, teaching them that chance alone-a-roll of the dice guided the ???(153) of men. All who played this game of fortune lost their ???(155) in the virtues of courage, prudence,
wisdom and hope. It bred a fatalism that was ???(155) the spirit of the kingdom.
Raja Balhait commissioned Sissa, an intelligent courter at his court to find an answer to this ???(156) After much ???(157) the clever Sissa invented another game. Chaturanga, the exact ???(158) of hard, in
which the four elements of the Indian army were the key pleces. In the game these pieces-chariots, horses, elephants and foot soldiers-joined with a royal counselor to defend their king and defeat the enemy. Forceful ???
(159) was demanded of the players?not luck. Chaturanga soon became more popular than hard, and the ???(160) to the Kingdom was over.

1. (a) concerned
(b) confident
(c) ignorant
(d) indifferent
(e) partisan

2. (a) propelled
(b) enshrined
(c) captured
(d) activated
(e) enhanced
Ans: ( c ) captured

3. (a) communities
(b) ways
(c) abnormalities
(d) destiny
(e) groups

4. (a) bravado
(b) interest
(c) peace
(d) wealth
(e) faith

5. (a) appalling
(b) crushing
(c) moistening
(d) promoting
(e) overwhelming

6. (a) apprehension
(b) risk
(c) problem
(d) game
(e) destiny

7. (a) deliberation
(b) absorption
(c) insight
(d) hesitation
(e) reluctance

8. (a) nature
(b) equivalent
(c) picture
(d) opposite
(e) replica

9. (a) prediction
(b) concentration
(c) manipulation
(d) attack
(e) fortune

10. (a) devastation
(b) anxiety
(c) impeachment
(d) nuisance
(e) threat

Directions (Qs. 11-15) : Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is not
error, the answer is ?E?. (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any)
11. If your don?t (a) / understand any of these words
(b) / you could (c) / always refer a dictionary. (d) / No
error (e)

12. Tea is so hot (a) / that she (b) / can (c) / take
it. (d) / No error (e)

13. The teacher said (a) / that the earth (b) / moves
round (c) / the sun. (d) / No error (e)

14. He told to me (a) / that he (b) / was going away
(c) / the next day. (d) / No error (e)

15. The lecturer says (a) / that Solomon won the
respect (b) / of all races and (c) / classes by his
justice. (d) / No error (e)

Directions (Qs. 16-20) : In each of the following questions, select the most appropriate word from among the five words given below the sentence to fill in
the blanks in the sentence so as to complete it meaningfully.
16. Sunil was ???asleep and could not be easily
(a) high
(b) fast
(c) severe
(d) total
(e) has

17. The vehicle did not come to a sudden halt since he
braked ???
(a) immediately
(b) silently
(c) gently
(d) completely
(e) detected

18. I saw him going escorted ??? two policemen.
(a) with
(b) against
(c) by
(d) on
(e) for

19. Madhav is a sick man and has to be taken to the
doctor ???
(a) usually
(b) timely
(c) seldom
(d) frequently
(e) avoided

20. The child was left in the servants ???
(a) care
(b) duty
(c) work
(d) help
(e) innocence

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