Sunday 26 February 2012

Computer Awareness Quiz -18 for Bank exam

1. For the purposes of defining data needs, a responsibility area is
a) Marketing b) Personnel c) Administration d) Finance e) None

2. The problem statement should include all of the following except:
a) Input. b) Output. c) Processing d) Storage e) None

3. Arranging data such as names in alphabetical order in a table is called:
a)Numbering b)Searching c)Listing d)Sorting e)None

4. Hotmail, a free web-based email service operated by which company?
a) Apple b) Rediff c) Microsoft d) Yahoo e) Google

5. A collection of 4 binary digits is known as.......?
a) Half Bit b)1/2 KB c) Byte d) Nibble e) None

6. Which of the following is not a part of the CPU?
a) Arithmetic and Logic Unit
b) Storage Unit
c) Program Unit
d) Control Unit
e) None

7. Which of the following is not a unit of measurement in computer systems?
a)DPI b)PPI c)API d)Bd e)MB

8. In Windows XP, which shortcut is used to cycle through opened items in taskbar?
a) Ctrl + Tab
b) Alt + Tab
c) Ctrl + Esc
d) Alt + Esc
e) None

9. A digital computer compute the value of expression 2 * 5 - 2 >2 inside
a) RAM b) CPU Chip c) Hard Disk d) Floppy Disk e) MS-Excel

10. To produce a high-quality graphics (hardcopy) in color, you
would want to use a
a)Virtual Printer b)Laser Printer c)Ink-jet Printer d)Plotter e)None

11. Which of the following is fastest memory ?
a) DDR RAM b) DDR2 RAM c) DDR3 RAM d) Swap Memory e) Buffer Memory

12. Which protocol is used by operating system to generate error
message like 'Host Unreachable' over a TCP/IP network?
a) HTTP/1.1 b) ICMP c) PPP d) ICGM e) TCP/IP

13. What does SNMP stands for?
a) Simple Network Mail Protocol
b) Single Network Mail Protocol
c) Single Network Message Protocol
d) Simple Network Management Protocol
e) None

14. On a school computer, Lucy learned how to copy programs.
A classmate asked her to copy a program for his home use.
Her most ethical response would be which of the following?
a) I'll copy it, but you have to promise not to tell anyone.
b) I don't know how to copy disks.
c) I can't copy it because it will break copyright laws.
d) I'll copy it for you, but you can't copy it for anyone else.
e) None

15. Which of the following is not true?
a)LOGO stands for Live On Google’s Orkut
b)BIOS is a system software
c)GRUB is a Linux bootloader
d)Ruby is a web scripting language
e)LILO is a Linux bootloader

16. What is the function of Drop Cap?
a) It does not allow capital letters to be used in the documents.
b) It makes first letter of each word capital letter in the documents
c) It lets you begin a paragraph with a large dropped initial capital letter
d) It automatically starts all paragraphs and sentences with capital letters.
e) None

17. What is Mail-Merge?
a) a web based e-mail service with no spam
b) a name of Yahoo! MINDSET search feature
c) a new virus-hoax which can delete data from mail-inbox
d) a feature of MS-Word used to create multiple documents like letters, mailing labels,name tags etc.
e) None

18. In MS-Excel 2003, the default workbook sheet contain maximum………?
a) 65535 Rows b) 65536 Rows e) 1048576 Rows e) 65537 Rows c) None

19. In MS-Word, a menu item in dim color (gray) indicate that the menu is ?
a) Toggle Menu
b) Unavailable for current context
c) Not much required menu
d) Over Used Menu
e) None

20.Physical components of a computer is called______.
a)Hardware b)Software c)Firewall e)None

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