1. What is the Monetary Policy?
The Monetary and Credit Policy is the policy statement, traditionally announced twice a year,through which the Reserve Bank of India seeks to ensure price stability for the economy.These factors include - money supply, interest rates and the inflation. In banking and economicterms money supply is referred to as M3 - which indicates the level (stock) of legal currency in theeconomy.Besides, the RBI also announces norms for the banking and financial sector and the institutions,which are governed by it. These would be banks, financial institutions, non-banking financialinstitutions, Nidhis and primary dealers (money markets) and dealers in the foreign exchange(forex) market.
2. When is the Monetary Policy announced?
Historically, the Monetary Policy is announced twice a year - a slack season policy (April-September) and a busy season policy (October-March) in accordance with agricultural cycles.These cycles also coincide with the halves of the financial year.Initially, the Reserve Bank of India announced all its monetary measures twice a year in theMonetary and Credit Policy. The Monetary Policy has become dynamic in nature as RBI reservesits right to alter it from time to time, depending on the state of the economy.However, with the share of credit to agriculture coming down and credit towards the industrybeing granted whole year around, the RBI since 1998-99 has moved in for just one policy in April-end. However a review of the policy does take place later in the year.
3. How is the Monetary Policy different from the Fiscal Policy?
Two important tools of macroeconomic policy are Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy.The Monetary Policy regulates the supply of money and the cost and availability of credit in theeconomy. It deals with both the lending and borrowing rates of interest for commercial banks.The Monetary Policy aims to maintain price stability, full employment and economic growth.The Reserve Bank of India is responsible for formulating and implementing Monetary Policy. Itcan increase or decrease the supply of currency as well as interest rate, carry out open marketoperations, control credit and vary the reserve requirements.
The Monetary Policy is different
from Fiscal Policy as the former brings about a change in theeconomy by changing money supply and interest rate, whereas fiscal policy is a broader tool withthe government.
The Fiscal Policy can be used
to overcome recession and control inflation. It may be defined asa deliberate change in government revenue and expenditure to influence the level of nationaloutput and prices.For instance, at the time of recession the government can increase expenditures or cut taxes inorder to generate demand.
On the other hand, the government can reduce its expenditures or raise taxes during inflationarytimes. Fiscal policy aims at changing aggregate demand by suitable changes in governmentspending and taxes.The annual Union Budget showcases the government’s Fiscal Policy.
4. What are the objectives of the Monetary Policy?
The objectives are to maintain price stability and ensure adequate flow of credit to the productivesectors of the economy.Stability for the national currency (after looking at prevailing economic conditions), growth inemployment and income are also looked into. The monetary policy affects the real sector throughlong and variable periods while the financial markets are also impacted through short-termimplications.There are four main ‘channels’ which the RBI looks at:
Quantum channel: money supply and credit (affects real output and price level throughchanges in reserves money, money supply and credit aggregates).
Interest rate channel.
Exchange rate channel (linked to the currency).
Asset price.
5. All this is more linked to the banking sector. How does the Monetary Policy impactthe individual?
In recent years, the policy had gained in importance due to announcements in the interest rates.Earlier, depending on the rates announced by the RBI, the interest costs of banks wouldimmediately either increase or decrease.A reduction in interest rates would force banks to lower their lending rates and borrowing rates.So if you want to place a deposit with a bank or take a loan, it would offer it at a lower rate of interest.On the other hand, if there were to be an increase in interest rates, banks would immediatelyincrease their lending and borrowing rates. Since the rates of interest affect the borrowing costsof corporates and as a result, their bottom lines (profits), the monetary policy is important for themalso.Being the central bank, however, the RBI would have a say and determine direction on interestrates as it is an important tool to control inflation.The bank rate is a tool used by RBI for this purpose as it refinances banks at the this rate. Inother words, the bank rate is the rate at which banks borrow from the RBI.
6. How was the scenario prior to recent liberalisation?
Prior to recent liberalisation, the RBI resorted to direct instruments like interest rates regulation,selective credit control and CRR (cash reserve ratio) as monetary instruments
o ne of the risks emerging in the past 5-7 years (through the capital flows and liberalisation of thefinancial sector) is that potential risk has increased for institutions. Thus, financial stability hasbecome crucial and there are concerns relating to credit flows to the agricultural sector and small-scale industries.
7. What do the terms CRR and SLR mean?
CRR, or cash reserve ratio, refers to a portion of deposits (as cash) which banks have tokeep/maintain with the RBI. This serves two purposes. It ensures that a portion of bank depositsis totally risk-free and secondly it enables that RBI control liquidity in the system, and thereby,inflation.Besides the CRR, banks are required to invest a portion of their deposits in government securitiesas a part of their statutory liquidity ratio (SLR) requirements.The government securities (also known as gilt-edged securities or gilts) are bonds issued by theCentral government to meet its revenue requirements. Although the bonds are long-term innature, they are liquid as they can be traded in the secondary market.Since 1991, as the economy has recovered and sector reforms increased, the CRR has fallenfrom 15 per cent in March 1991 to 5.5 per cent in December 2001. The SLR has fallen from 38.5per cent to 25 per cent over the past decade. (verify about current rate)
8. What impact does a cut in CRR have on interest rates?
From time to time, RBI prescribes a CRR or the minimum amount of cash that banks have tomaintain with it. The CRR is fixed as a percentage of total deposits. As more money chases thesame number of borrowers, interest rates come down.
9. Does a change in SLR and gilts products impact interest rates?
SLR reduction is not so relevant in the present context for two reasons:First, as part of the reforms process, the government has begun borrowing at market-relatedrates. Therefore, banks get better interest rates compared to earlier for their statutory investmentsin government securities.Second, banks are still the main source of funds for the government.This means that despite a lower SLR requirement, banks’ investment in government securitieswill go up as government borrowing rises. As a result, bank investment in gilts continues to behigh despite the RBI bringing down the minimum SLR to 25 per cent a couple of years ago.Therefore, for the purpose of determining the interest rates, it is not the SLR requirement that isimportant but the size of the government’s borrowing programme. As government borrowingincreases, interest rates, too, rise.Besides, gilts also provide another tool for the RBI to manage interest rates. The RBI conductsopen market operations (OMO) by offering to buy or sell gilts.If it feels interest rates are too high, it may bring them down by offering to buy securities at alower yield than what is available in the market
10. How does the Monetary Policy affect the domestic industry and exporters inparticular?
Exporters look forward to the monetary policy since the central bank always makes anannouncement on export refinance, or the rate at which the RBI will lend to banks which haveadvanced pre-shipment credit to exporters.A lowering of these rates would mean lower borrowing costs for the exporter.
11. The stock markets and money move similarly, in some ways. Why?
Most people attribute the link between the amount of money in the economy and movements instock markets to the amount of liquidity in the system. This is not entirely true.The factor connecting money and stocks is interest rates. People save to get returns on their savings. In true market conditions, this made bank deposits or bonds (whose returns are linked tointerest rates) and stocks (whose returns are linked to capital gains), competitors for people’ssavings.A hike in interest rates would tend to suck money out of shares into bonds or deposits; a fallwould have the opposite effect. This argument has survived econometric tests and practicalexperience.
12. What are the measures to regulate money supply?
The RBI uses the interest rate, OMO, changes in banks’ CRR and primary placements of government debt to control the money supply. OMO, primary placements and changes in theCRR are the most popular instruments used.Under the OMO, the RBI buys or sells government bonds in the secondary market. By absorbingbonds, it drives up bond yields and injects money into the market. When it sells bonds, it does soto suck money out of the system.The changes in CRR affect the amount of free cash that banks can use to lend - reducing theamount of money for lending cuts into overall liquidity, driving interest rates up, lowering inflationand sucking money out of markets.Primary deals in government bonds are a method to intervene directly in markets, followed by theRBI. By directly buying new bonds from the government at lower than market rates, the RBI triesto limit the rise in interest rates that higher government borrowings would lead to.
13. Considering that interest rates are now tweaked looking at market conditions, isthe Monetary Policy losing its importance?
Governor of RBI has said he would make the Credit Policy a ‘non-event’ and would use the policyonly to review developments in the banking industry and money markets. Interest rateannouncements since 1998-99 were based on economic and market developments.The policy now concentrates mostly on structural issues in the banking industry.
Some Monetary Policy terms
14. Bank Rate
Bank rate is the minimum rate at which the central bank provides loans to the commercial banks.It is also called the discount rate. (6%)(29.04.2003)Usually, an increase in bank rate results in commercial banks increasing their lending rates.Changes in bank rate affect credit creation by banks through altering the cost of credit.
15. Cash Reserve Ratio
All commercial banks are required to keep a certain amount of its deposits in cash with RBI. Thispercentage is called the cash reserve ratio. The current CRR requirement is 6.5 per cent.(28.04.2007)
16. Inflation
Inflation refers to a persistent rise in prices. Simply put, it is a situation of too much money andtoo few goods. Thus, due to scarcity of goods and the presence of many buyers, the prices arepushed up.The converse of inflation, that is, deflation, is the persistent falling of prices. RBI can reduce thesupply of money or increase interest rates to reduce inflation.
17. Money Supply (M3)
This refers to the total volume of money circulating in the economy, and conventionally comprisescurrency with the public and demand deposits (current account + savings account) with thepublic.The RBI has adopted four concepts of measuring money supply. The first one is M1, whichequals the sum of currency with the public, demand deposits with the public and other depositswith the public. Simply put M1 includes all coins and notes in circulation, and personal currentaccounts.The second, M2, is a measure of money, supply, including M1, plus personal deposit accounts -plus government deposits and deposits in currencies other than rupee.The third concept M3 or the broad money concept, as it is also known, is quite popular. M3includes net time deposits (fixed deposits), savings deposits with post office saving banks and allthe components of M1.
18. Statutory Liquidity Ratio
Banks in India are required to maintain 25 per cent of their demand and time liabilities ingovernment securities and certain approved securities.These are collectively known as SLR securities. The buying and selling of these securities laidthe foundations of the 1992 Harshad Mehta scam.
19. Repo
A repurchase agreement or ready forward deal is a secured short-term (usually 15 days) loan byone bank to another against government securities. Present repo rate is 7.75% (31.3.2007)Legally, the borrower sells the securities to the lending bank for cash, with the stipulation that atthe end of the borrowing term, it will buy back the securities at a slightly higher price, thedifference in price representing the interest.
20. Open Market Operations
An important instrument of credit control, the Reserve Bank of India purchases and sellssecurities in open market operations.In times of inflation, RBI sells securities to mop up the excess money in the market. Similarly, toincrease the supply of money, RBI purchases securities.
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