Friday 23 December 2011

Interview Questions for Banking (basics)

Bank interviews are basically based on four areas.

1. Bio-data
2. Subject
3. Bank Terms
4. GK (Current Affairs)
5. Computers (Basics)

1. Bio-data: About your family, About your town, About your studies, About your achievements, About your father’s working department, About your hobby, and any past work experience if you have.

2. Subject: Candidate must have complete knowledge of the subject what he has studied. Any question can be asked in the subject. Prepare your subject especially basics.

3. Bank Terms: If you are going for bank interviews basic banking knowledge is
necessary. The following basic banking terms will help the candidate.

4. GK: Be thorough with current affairs from past three months. Recent awards, Major issues, Sports related questions, State Governors and Chief ministers, Countries, Capitals, Currencies etc..,.

5. Computers: Be thorough with basic computer terminology.
Example: What is DOS, What is WWW, What is LAN, etc..,
If you have any certificate, it will be an added advantage to the candidate.

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